Friday, January 2, 2009

Constantly Connected

BlackBerry, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Blogs, Friend Feed, Google Reader, Google Chat, Yahoo Instant Messenger, AIM, Windows Live Messenger, BlackBerry Messenger…I am in a constant state of connection with pretty much every person I have ever met throughout the course of my life. And, I have yet to determine if this is really condusive to a healthy lifestyle. Obviously, it’s wonderful to get back into contact with those people whom I have lost touch, over the years, and modern-day technology certainly makes it easier to not only get back into touch, but to remain in touch, once the contact has been made. But, honestly, my BlackBerry goes off ALL DAY! As I am typing, this, I have someone sending my instant messages on Yahoo, via my BlackBerry. Could I just log-off? Of course I could. Could I turn off the BlackBerry? Of course I could. But, for anyone who has found themselves the slave to this piece of technology, you know that it’s just too hard! Turning off the BlackBerry would mean that I wouldn’t be able to see people’s status updates on facebook, at the push of a button, I wouldn’t be able to get instant messages via every IM service that exists, all day long…I would be so out of touch, for….oh, I don’t know…a couple of HOURS, possibly!!!! Yes, for all the whining and complaining I (and anyone who has found themselves in the position of being ridiculously easy to get in touch with), the idea of suddenly being without, once the dye has been cast, is almost scary. Going to the theatre, going to the movies, becomes an escape from reality in a way that was only imagined, several years ago, as it’s now the only time that our phones don’t ring, beep, chirp, or make any other type of sound, alerting us that somehow, somewhere, someone may be trying to get in contact with us. For two hours, in a dark theatre, the world continues to revolve on it’s axis, even though we’re technologically disconnected from it, at the time. I know, shocking, isn’t it?

It is really necessary to be in such a constant state of contact with everyone around us? Will our lives fall apart, will relationships come to a crashing halt, if we’re not glued to our cell phones, BlackBerry’s, iPhones, iTouches, computers, on a constant basis? In reality, the answer is no…but, the new hyper-reality, the cyber-reality, is yes…we just wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves! Because at the end of the day, we love our computers, because our friends live inside them. We love our cell phones, because we never have to miss a beat, or feel left out, like we did, when we were picked last for the kickball team in 4th grade. Who cares that we suddenly can’t spell anymore, because we have become to accustomed to abbreviating everything to fit the character limits of text messages, or to ensure that we don’t sprain our thumbs on the tiny keyboards on our cell phones. Who cares that we don’t know how to speak anymore, because we communicate solely through instant messages and text messages. And, who cares that you know everything about the person on whom you had a crush in 6th grade, but haven’t actually spoken to in 15 years, because you can read the status updates on facebook, like some sort of crazed cyber-aged Romeo. It’s all about feeling connected to those around us, isn’t it? Even if the constant state of connection is bordering on compulsion. We just want to feel close to others…even if that person is hundreds of miles away. However, sometimes, it really is okay to NOT be that accessible to everyone. Sometimes, as hard as it may be, it really is okay to turn off the BlackBerry. As I’m sure I’ll learn, if I ever actually do it.

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