Monday, January 5, 2009

Raising Kaine

As a Democrat and a Virginia Resident, I have mixed feelings about the naming of Tim Kaine as the new Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. One the one hand, I think it's great that both Virginia's previous Governor, Mark Warner (soon to be Senator Warner) and current Governor are both Democrats, and I applaud Gov. Kaine for his support of President Elect Obama and heightening the profile of Virginia Democrats, during the recent election. But, with that said, Gov. Kaine isn't necessarily a terrific governor. He's a decent governor, but Mark Warner was better. (As evident in the fact that he won his Senate seat in a landslide victory.) And, Virginia is no different from the rest of the country, as we feel the effects of the current state of the economy...people losing their jobs, losing their homes, the cost of living rising, businesses the idea of Gov. Kaine having to split his focus for the next year, until his term as governor expires, s a bit nerve-wracking.

But, at the same time, it is nice to see that Democrats, on a national level, can no longer write off Virginia as a red state...two recent governors have been Democrats, both of our US Senators are now Democrats, and President Elect Obama won Virginia. And, Tim Kaine certainly did a play a part in that.

As for comic relief, though...Tim Kaine isn't as funny as Howard Dean.

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