Friday, January 16, 2009

How Did We Elect This Guy...TWICE?!

You have got to be kidding??? This is a slap in the face to anyone who supports Roe vs. Wade, not to mention any woman who has, or ever will seek a safe, legal abortion.

I am currently reading, "The Nine", by Jeffery Toobin, and even the conservative Supreme Court, in the early 90's when given the perfect opportunity to overturn Roe vs. Wade, weren't about to overturn something that had been the law of the land for almost 30 years, at that point, something that the majority of Americans did (and still do) consider to be a right, under the rights of privacy. I appreciate that George W. Bush may have his own opinions regarding the issue of abortion, but even Justice Tony Kennedy didn't vote to overturn Roe and he's a devout Catholic, who, on an ideological level, cannot stomach the idea of legalized abortion, but realizes that his religious views are not the law of the land, that he cannot allow his own personal beliefs to be the guiding force in his legal judgements.

There is one thing that I feel needs to be clarified for the Right To Lifers...being Pro Choice does not mean that you're pro-abortion. It simply means that everyone should be allowed the choice to determine what she can or will do with her body.

I also can't help but find it laughable that a President who allows the torture of detainees, has no problem sending young men and women off to war, under false pretenses, and still has barely made a dent in the devastation that was caused by Hurricane Katrina, can claim to value human life. His track record hardly reflects that.

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