Friday, January 16, 2009

T-Minus 96 Hours and Counting

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! The reign of terror is almost over! The end of an error is almost here!!!

Yes, I am a Democrat, but I feel that I am a reasonable person in my political ideology...I realize that no two people are going to agree on every issue, all of the time. And, there are even some Republicans in Washington that I could get on board with...Arlin Spector of Pennsylvania, for example. Ron Paul of Texas could be another one. However, there is another Texan whom I have never been able to get on board with, nor would I ever want to...the man who has done nothing but corrupt what should be the very seat of Democracy....George W. Bush.

But, at last, after 8 long years of torture, corruption, lies, cronyism, illegal wire tapes, two wars, false information, and verbal gaffes that probably have Mark Twain rolling over in his grave, it is FINALLY coming to an end. The man who will most likely go down as the worst President in American history, making even Herbert Hoover look competent will return to Texas, where I'm sure the village has been missing their idiot. (Claiming that there are "some things we would have done differently" is clear enough sign of that...."some things"?? Really? Only some? How about a do-over of the past 8 years, entirely.)

My Fellow Americans, fear not...the end is near, and the sun is coming up. And, to President Bush...don't let the door of Air Force One hit you in ass on the way out. On second thought...let it hit you.

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