Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The non-existence of bi-partisanship

See, this is why, even though I am a self-described political junkie, who watches CNN, like it's the only thing only television, I also become incredibly frustrated with the elected officials who work in the hallowed halls of Washington, D.C. The simple fact that we even have to ask ourselves if the Republicans will work with President Obama to fix the economy is ludicrous. They better damn well be willing to work with President Obama and the Democrats on the Hill, as it's in the best interest of the American public, you know, their constituents, a group of people to whom they should have some alleigance, as opposed to playing bi-partisan "Gotcha" and offering up inside-the Beltway-bitch slaps. And, what is particularly unfortunate is the number of voting Americans who don't always seem to realize that the President does not have absolute power, and there is this little nagging thing, called Congress. (Okay, current President, not withstanding...Bushy Boy seems to have done a fine job of ignoring the US Constitution.) And, as such, there will probably be a great number of people out there, who ignore any of the possible and probable, irresponsible behaviors by member of Congress, and place the entirety of the blame on Obama, if and when things don't go smoothly. It might not be such a bad idea for the American public to enroll, collectively, in a Civics class. And, perhaps, while we're doing that, it wouldn't be such a bad idea for various members of Congress to enroll in an Ethics class.

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