Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wall Street is NOT a Nonprofit

As someone who works in the nonprofit sector, and as someone who is, you know...HUMAN, I find this infuriating....


Just because the banking industry can't seem to turn a profit doesn't make it a nonprofit.

Perhaps I am just cold hearted, after years of dedicating my life to the nonprofit sector, but my heart is not breaking for the crooked, Wall Street fat cats, who are not getting their annual bonuses. Their annual bonuses being far greater than what most people annual salaries are.

I would hope that the recent trials of Wall Street (both literal and figurative) have taught us all about the need for transparency. In every sector, public, private, governmental, et al. And, as such, I can't believe that the powers that be at AIG, would honestly think that they could get away with dipping into their charitable endowment to pay bonuses to certain employees. Given the current economic climate and the fact that there is a greater need for services that are provided to people by both the nonprofit sector and the government, I can't think of a better time to use a corporate charitable endowment the way it was MEANT to be used. By helping those less fortunate. And, regardless of the economic hardships currently being faced by Wall Street, there are a great many people who are far less fortunate than those investors who may not be getting their bonuses. You know, like the people who had invested with them.

Oh, and it may be worth mentioning that it's illegal to do what AIG is attempting. Not like that has ever stopped them before, though. Obviously....right, Mr. Madoff?

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